Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Philosophy 101

So what does it take to create one’s own philosophy? Is there a degree of knowledge that must first exist or it is out of the self evident truths that exist within all of us, I would like to think it the later. After all some of the wisest things I have ever heard were said by children, who have yet to be acted upon by the world and its many fallacies. Each of us over time (weather we know it or not) are creating a philosophy. It is shaped by those that we are surrounded by, our experiences, our emotions, and our actions. It is a fluid and living thing as can be seen in what we believed as children have changed from what we now believe. And it is this philosophy that guides us along our path as we trek forward in life. After thinking about that I wondered about my own personal philosophy and if it is accurate (for me), or if I am guided by ideals or principals to which I have not fully subscribed, and truthfully I could not tell. Guess that says something about really learning who we really are . . . understanding oneself is the first step on the path to enlightenment. Now that is not to say that we all should imitate Rodin’s “the Thinker” and meditate for hours on end; rather, it is just something to give attention to as we go about our lives.

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